The UGLY truth

May 16, 2011 at 8:00 pm Leave a comment

We hear it time and time again: this brace is ugly. Yep, we know. Ugly might as well be a synonym for brace. It wasn’t cute when you were thirteen and you wore braces in your mouth and the braces you wear on your limbs are no more fashion accessable. These devices aren’t designed to be worn on red carpets, they are designed to help you walk. Some are designed to prevent amputation. Others are designed to deter serious complications. Yes they are ugly but they sure do come in handy.

However we are not deaf to the resounding complaints of “this thing is hideous”. We hear you and we want to do everything we can to make you feel pleased with the appearance of your device. So of course we want to make you aware of some of the aesthetic options we offer. For instance did you know our slim fit carbon bracing can be painted? Yep, we can paint it a flesh hue or you can request a color. Many of our patients have learned that our plastic bracing can be outfitted with transfer paper patterns. All you have to do is flip through our catalog of patterns and point to the one you want. We have patterns ranging from Camo to Winnie the Pooh. Even the dreaded diabetic shoes are going fashion forward. In 2009 we started carrying the Dr. Comfort line of footwear. These are not your grand dad’s diabetic shoes, there are styles from sneaker to Mary Jane to climbing boots. When you are wearing a brace you shouldn’t be forced to look like a fashion victim, we want you to feel great and look great too. Next time you are at our office ask your practitioner about some of the aesthetic options available for your device.

That being said, sometimes braces just have to look like something out of Forest Gump

In the event that there are not options available to beautify your brace take solace in this quote by Henri Matisse “There are flowers everywhere, for those who bother to look”. In other words try to find the beauty in your brace. For instance, without it perhaps you can’t walk or you’re in pain. And rest assured that we are in a constant battle to make the ugly something of beauty. Be patient with us while we work to perfect the quality and cuteness of your device.

Entry filed under: Orthotic Tips, Tricks & FAQs.

What did you say? Leaping tall buildings in a single bound

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